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Food Bank

Home Food Bank



Food Banks and Food Pantries have been assisting active citizens, who aren’t able to quite make ends meet, provide for their family’s nutritional needs and avoid hunger.  They are charitable organizations that collect donations from corporations, local business and other citizens who are able to give back to the community.  In turn, volunteers at the food bank sort and package food boxes to distribute to registered citizens in need.


This concept has been in existence for the past 50 years, and is in effect in many countries globally.  For example, there are over 1,000 food banks in the UK and another 65,000 food pantries across the North America–attesting to the fact that lack of food and proper nutrition is a problem worldwide.  For some parts of the world, it’s to the point of near starvation.  According to the India FoodBanking Network, in India there are…

194.6 million people are undernourished
30.7% of children under the age of 5 are underweight
58% of children are stunted by 2 years of age
1 in 4 children is malnourished

As with many people, we would like to see hunger end and to do our part in helping those who are unable to obtain the needed nutrition.  We will be working with food banks in India to gain support of much needed food pantries in areas which don’t have resources already in place.  We’re hoping to get enough people involved that the pantries can be managed and sustained by volunteers.  Please consider volunteering your time to a local food pantry.  For volunteering opportunities, please check out the calendar of events.